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 1. Dr. John C. Bowling, University President  2007-08-29 Year-opening chapel  2007-2008 Chapel Messages 
 2. Fr. Terence Henry TOR - August 27, 2007  2007 Academic Year Opening Homily  Franciscan University of Steubenville 
 3. Dr. John C. Bowling, University President  2007-11-02 Homecoming Chapel  2007-2008 Chapel Messages 
 4. Dr. Gordon Anderson  North Central University Chapel Service March 16, 2007   
 5. August 27, 2007  2007 Opening Academic Convocation  Franciscan University of Steubenville 
 6. Christine Moritz  DJ set opening for Koop at the 9:30 Club - Nov. 3, 2007  www.varietyisthespice.com 
 7. Christine Moritz  DJ set opening for Koop at the 9:30 Club - Nov. 3, 2007  www.varietyisthespice.com 
 8. Christine Moritz  DJ set opening for Koop at the 9:30 Club - Nov. 3, 2007  www.varietyisthespice.com 
 9. Corrado Pensa  2007-06/23 Contemplating The Mind, Opening The Heart  2007-06/22 IMSRC Insight Meditation Retreat For Experienced Students http://www.dharma.org/ims 
 10. Mark Dever  Thematic - TFA 2007 - Talk 1 - Opening Devotions  The Theologian 
 11. Ewan Spence and Friends  LeWeb 3 2007: Opening the Conference Schwag Bag  EwanSpence.com 
 12. Mark Dever  Thematic - TFA 2007 - Talk 1 - Opening Devotions  The Theologian 
 13. DJ Anuj  Year 2007  Sensuality 
 14. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS  Jim King, MD, FAAFP - 2007 Scientific Assembly Opening Session  AAFP News Now 
 15. In The Bleachers  2007 Stories of the Year`  http://inthebleachers.net 
 16. In The Bleachers  2007 Stories of the Year`  http://inthebleachers.net 
 17. gadgetfreak  2007: A Year in Review  Gadget's podcast 
 18. Simian Mobile Disco  2007 End of Year Rave-Up  Mixmag Presents-Simian Mobile Disco 2007 End of Year Rave-Up 
 19. Be Retarded vs Regen control  kermit 2007 new year mix   
 20. Dr Michael Fullilove, Mark Thirlwell, Anthony Bubalo, Dr Malcolm Cook  The year ahead - 2007  Wednesday Lunch at Lowy 
 21. Amber Rhea and Rusty Tanton  Year-in-review 2007  Mostly ITP 
 22. President Muriel A. Howard, Provost Dennis Ponton, others  First-Year Student Convocation 2007  Buffalo State Podcasts 
 23. Joan Lipkin, founder and artistic director of That Uppity Theatre Company  2007 Humanist of the Year: Towards a Democracy of Art  Ethical Society of St. Louis 
 24. Rev. Robert Walsh, Minister Emeritus, First Parish Church UU, Duxbury, Massachusetts  CLF Quest January 2007 - A New Year  CLF Quest January 2007 
 25. Business Intelligence Network  2007: The Year of Revenue Generationnnn in Telecom  Audio Article 
 26. DJ Hedonist  Happy New Year 2008 - Special 2007 Retro   
 27. GamersCast  GamersCast 2007 Game of the Year Award Nominees  GamersCast 
 28. Jeff Gamet & Bryan Chaffin  AWR #107 2007-12-08: Apple Grows, CompUSA Goes Away, and Steve Jobs is CEO of the Year  The Apple Weekly Report 
 29. Dr. Todd Curtis  AirSafe.com Year in Review: Fatal Airline Events of 2007  The Conversation at AirSafe.com 
 30. Jeff Gamet & Bryan Chaffin  AWR #107 2007-12-08: Apple Grows, CompUSA Goes Away, and Steve Jobs is CEO of the Year  The Apple Weekly Report 
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